Course Descriptions (Begins August 2020)
B.S. 201 – Sensitivity of the Holy Spirit September– October 2020
This course is designed to help students understand the necessity of being Spirit-led in life and in carrying out their God-given assignment in the earth. We will explore the difference between being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and being aware of the sensitivity of the Holy Spirit so that believers develop a consistent walk in holiness. Learn how to win souls for Christ. This course will teach methods, strategies, and techniques enabling you to bring in the harvest, yes, even friends and loved ones. Students will learn to demonstrate and actively participate in evangelism. “ the work of an evangelist, make full proof of your ministry.” This course provides theoretical and practical learning experiences to acquaint the student with “Christ-centered” counseling methods. The focus is upon using Biblical principles and reliance upon Holy Spirit to help the counselee. Students will be taught skills in relationship building, confrontation, and the proper use of self in the counseling relationship. Participants will learn to identify and begin resolution of their own issues in order to bring the greatest degree of wholeness to the counseling experience. The importance of the counselor's emotional and spiritual health and maturity will be a major area of emphasis in this life changing experience.
B.S. 202 – Evangelism October – November 2020
Learn how to win souls for Christ. This course will teach methods, strategies, and techniques enabling you to bring in the harvest, yes, even friends and loved ones. Students will learn to demonstrate and actively participate in evangelism. “ the work of an evangelist, make full proof of your ministry.”
B.S. 203 – Christian Counseling December 2020 - January 2021
This course provides theoretical and practical learning experiences to acquaint the student with “Christ-centered” counseling methods. The focus is upon using Biblical principles and reliance upon Holy Spirit to help the counselee. Students will be taught skills in relationship building, confrontation, and the proper use of self in the counseling relationship. Participants will learn to identify and begin resolution of their own issues in order to bring the greatest degree of wholeness to the counseling experience. The importance of the counselor's emotional and spiritual health and maturity will be a major area of emphasis in this life changing experience.
5-Fold Ministry Gift Track
B.S. 204 – Exegesis of the Scriptures January - February 2021
What did God really say through those He inspired to write the Bible? Students will receive intense training and step by step guided research methods enabling them to accurately determine what was said in the scriptures. Students will be exposed to some of the most advanced biblical resources available today. You must first learn what was said in order to know what was meant.
B.S. 205 – Preach the Word I March - April 2021
Are you really “called” to preach? Are you sure? After this class, you will know. The content of this course is designed to pierce the heart of the preacher. Students will gain exposure to the Art of Preaching and receive intense mentoring in sermon preparation and guidelines for delivery
B.S. 206 – Preach the Word II April—May 2021
This course is a continuation of “Preach the Word.” During this class, students will explore the depths of the call to preach, exhaustively examine the Art of Preaching and receive invaluable knowledge and practice in sermon preparation and delivery. You will also learn how to identify, release and strengthen your gift and others. Are you really “called” to preach? Are you sure? After this class, you will know. The content of this course is designed to pierce the heart of the preacher. Students will gain exposure to the Art of Preaching and receive intense mentoring in sermon preparation and guidelines for delivery.
Church Administration Track
C.A. 214 - Principles of Management January – February 2021
Managing church staff is similar to managing staff at any organization. Learn the basic principles of managing your church staff and volunteers using lessons from organizational behavior and human resource management. The course is designed to help maximize success in your ministry by effectively managing the resources and people called to work alongside you.
C.A. 215 - Church Administration March – April 2021
Church administration examines the structure of ministry and the interconnection of its working parts in the office and the sanctuary. Learn the business side of ministry as we explore the various areas and how each part works behind the scenes to make the organization work better as a whole. This course will explore the structure of ministry departments, selection of staff positions, proper financial structure and stewardship, and the legalities of ministries as not-for-profit organizations.
C.A. 216 - Administration Internship Project April – May 2021
The Internship class will challenge you to grow in your gift by tackling a real need in the area of administration in your church or ministry. You will be required to create and implement the solution to a community or church need, using your gift of administration.
Worship Leader Track
W.L. 224 Worship & the Worshipper January – February 2021
An in-depth study of true biblical worship will be presented, from its origin to its present function. This course focuses on teaching the pattern of worship established in the Old Testament Tabernacle of David, while understanding the symbolism and its relevance to modern day worshipers.
W.L. 225 Leading Praise & Worship March – April 2021
The practice of praise and worship will change your life! This course will provoke you to draw unhindered into new depths of the worship experience. The interactive environment is both dynamic and uplifting. Students will receive intense training and mentoring, equipping them to skillfully instruct, enter, and lead others into the presence of God. This class is for serious worshipers only!
W.L. 226 Worship Internship Project April – May 2021
The Internship class will challenge you to grow in your gift by tackling a real need in the area of praise and worship. You will be required to create and implement the solution to a community or church need in the area of worship